Wednesday, February 11, 2009

TWILIGHT the movie

I went and saw twilight three times! I thought that it was good. I didn't read the 1st book(yet). I plan on reading it soon. if it is half as good as the movie i think I'll like it.
background of book: In the book Bella moves to Forks Washington. she meets Edward and she doesn't know that he and his family are vampires. her old friend Jacob from when she was little knows the secret and tells her about Edwards family. but Bella tells Edward that she knows what he is, but she isn't scary OF HIM, just SCARED OF LOSING HIM. will then James a vampire that drinks HUMAN blood, not ANIMAL blood like the Cullen family. well he's trying to track Bella, Alice and Jasper take to Arizona to save her, while Emmett, Edward and Rosalie make a different track for him to follow. he's to smart he finds her but Edward shows up and saves her life.

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